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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Summer of the Bible 2014 - Week 10

Week 10 - "God's Kingdom"

(photo by Sara Holben – Scotland, June 2009)

            The heart of Jesus’ teaching centers around the theme of the “kingdom of God.”  Or to be more explicit:  Jesus came to preach the good news of the kingdom of God.  As scholars point out, the phrase “the kingdom of God” appears 53 times in the Gospels … and Matthew uses the phrase “kingdom of heaven” (which means the same thing) another 32 times.
            When Jesus was talking about a kingdom he wasn’t speaking about a political realm within geographical boundaries, but instead was speaking about God’s “rule” or “authority” or “sovereignty” or “power” over all of life. The kingdom of God is not something we create for ourselves, but it is something we receive and it changes how we are to live our lives under God’s reign.
            Jesus speaks about what life is like under God’s rule  – where the last are first, where children are welcomed and where the lost sheep is found.  People are healed and “demons” are cast out, the captives are freed, and the oppressed are set free.  Jesus teaches through his dialogues with Pharisees, his questions and answers with his disciples, his “sermons”  (such as the Sermon on the Mount), and very often through parables which often hide as much as they reveal – a lot like God’s rule itself.  One scholar wrote:
“At its simplest, the parable is a metaphor or simile drawn from nature or common life, arresting the hearer by its vividness or strangeness, and leaving the mind in sufficient doubt about its precise application to tease it into active thought.”
C.H. Dodd, Parables of the Kingdom (1961)
In the end, the kingdom of God is not simply located in heaven nor is it purely an interior experience. Jesus speaks about the kingdom being both present and future.  In the end, as one pastor writes:
The kingdom of God impacts actions, thoughts, relationships, families, institutions, and governments. In the end, it will touch everything on earth, when God’s will is fully done on earth “as it is in heaven.” Yet this expansive kingdom has begun on earth in a most unexpected and unnoticed way – rather like a mustard seed – in the ministry of Jesus.
Mark D. Roberts, “What was the message of Jesus?”  
Enjoy exploring the kingdom of God this week!

Readings for Week #10:
·       Matthew 13 – parables about the “kingdom of heaven”
·       Matthew 18:1-4 – greatest in the kingdom of heaven
·       Matthew 20:20-27 – those who would be great in the kingdom
·       Mark 2:1-12 – Jesus heals
·       Luke 13-15 – Jesus heals and teaches in parables

·       Luke 18:18-29 – the rich young ruler learns about the kingdom of God

Additional Resources:

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